Thursday, May 09, 2019

Don't Like It? Don't Eat There.

The pro-abortion crowd likes to trumpet, as if they're being witty, "If you don't like abortion, don't have one."  Those of us who are pro-life don't think it's asking too much to insist that you not kill an innocent child.  Abortion for us isn't about "controlling women", which is the straw man lefties like to make and tear down, it's about the killing.

But the same type of person who says "If you don't like abortion, don't have one" can't even live by their own stupid sound bite.  They don't like a company run by an avowed Christian, so they don't want to let anyone eat there:
Cal Poly will not remove Chick-fil-A from its San Luis Obispo campus, despite renewed calls to do so by faculty and students who criticize the company’s public and vocal support for anti-LGBTQ groups and causes.

Student, faculty and community groups say they want to remove the restaurant because the company’s values are contrary to those of Cal Poly, which has made efforts to be more inclusive of marginalized groups.

On Tuesday night, Cal Poly’s Academic Senate overwhelmingly voted to urge the university to terminate its contract with Chick-fil-A, according to KCBX.

But Cal Poly administrators say that to remove the fast food chain from campus “would be its own form of censorship and intolerance.”
By the way, I hadn't heard of Chick-fil-A 20 years ago.   Now it trails only Starbucks and McDonald's as the country's 3rd-largest restaurant chain.

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  1. Anna A3:11 AM

    They do have good food. I appreciate the fact that they close on Sundays. BUT think of the free advertising that they are getting, thanks to the intolerant

  2. Here's the kicker-my kids have all worked for ChikFilA. They offer some of the most lucrative fastfood pay and generous scholarships to students in the industry. And then there's the culture of courtesy and customer service, something that ia a fading memory in parts of the country. My kids worked all through college-one of them as a manager. They all worked with gay people at the store. They served gay people at the store. There was no requirement that people check their gender preference to purchase food. Every time one of these bogus protests comes up, the lines that wrap around ChikFilA three times a day just double in size. Chicago said they didn't want one, yet the store there is one of their biggest profit centers. New York City said that New Yorkers would reject ChikFilA, but the lines wrap around three times a day all the same. I've seen that since the day they were only in malls. Other vendors in the food court would have one or two in line and ChikFilA would have a crowd of thirty or more. San Antonio's liberal airport board is crazy to reject that kind of profit that would benefit their sad excuse for an airport. These schools that try to do this ignore that there are lots of people eating there who may or may not agree with them. It's a business decision. A small faction should not get to determine what everyone else can eat.
