Monday, April 01, 2019

Unconscious Bias

Call it "unconscious bias" or "implicit bias" or "hidden bias", the result is the same--whitey is a bad person and is responsible for the racial achievement gap.

I've written about unconscious bias, including some training I had to sit through, in several posts.  Honestly, a quick perusal of these posts would bring you up to speed.

I suppose it wouldn't shock you that I agree with Ben Shapiro on the idea of unconscious bias:

1 comment:

  1. Makes you understand why the 'dead white men' were ejected from English class.....can't have the cherubs read Sir Walter Scott. Or figure out what a press gang really was.

    Then there is the modern term 'human trafficking'...mustn't detract from the propaganda that there is only one period in history where slavery took place and one group of sufferers.
