Sunday, April 21, 2019

More Joshua Tree Pictures

When we first saw these colors in the clouds, everyone was both shocked and amazed.  Then we started reaching for our cameras.
(click on pictures to enlarge)
That was on our first of 3 hikes on Monday.  While the sky almost stole the show on that one, the park itself took center stage on the rest.

We went back on Tuesday for another 3 hikes, as well as a drive to the Cholla Cactus Garden.

Wednesday was Palm Springs

Thursday was a rest day, and Friday we headed home.  I got home just before 8 Friday evening.

What a great trip!


  1. I think you ought to have that first picture enlarged and framed. What a beautiful view!

  2. I considered it!

    However, there are standard sizes for metal prints (my "travel wall" pics are printed on aluminum). My pictures are 16:9 but none of the companies I've found that do aluminum prints does them in that ratio. The "artiste" in me couldn't crop that picture.

    So I settled on another.

    I also have a beautiful picture of the Flower Canal in Amsterdam, but for the same reasons I can't get it printed on aluminum. Perhaps I should use my old handheld camera for pictures I might want in metal!
