Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Evidence of Good In the World

Helping others is one of the highest callings of a good person:
A high school robotics team from Minnesota built its greatest creation yet, one that has changed a 2-year-old boy's life. Farmington Public Schools' "Rogue Robotics Team" made an electric wheelchair for a toddler named Cillian Jackson. Cillian has a rare genetic condition that affects his mobility. Similar chairs can cost up to $20,000 and his parents' insurance didn't cover it.

So the family reached out to the Rogue Robotics Team. The group of high school students received help from the University of Delaware's GoBabyGo program, which creates custom vehicles for children with limited mobility. GoBabyGo can create a mobility device that looks like a race car or a Disney princess-mobile.

"I would say [it took] a couple of weeks working after school," Coach Spencer Elvebak, told CBS News. "The GoBabyGo program gave us some great resources to use, but we did have to make quite a few customizations to accommodate for Cillian's specific needs," Elvebak said.

Rogue Robotics gave Cillian's family the gift just before Christmas and posted a video on Facebook of the 2-year-old using the chair for the first time.

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