Wednesday, April 03, 2019

A Cry In the Wilderness

I'm sure there are plenty of things on which we'd disagree, but on this topic alone, this woman is too smart to be a Democrat:
Democratic Rep. Stephanie Murphy (Fla.) took members of her own party to task Tuesday, telling an audience she's "offended by this whole conversation about socialism" in American politics.

The Washington Examiner reported that Murphy — whose family fled Vietnam for the U.S. when she was a baby — decried the notion of socialism.

"I am offended by this whole conversation about socialism," she said. "The idea that in the greatest democracy, the greatest capitalist system in the world, we're having casual conversation about socialism, offends me."

Speaking to a crowd of 150 people at the BakerHostetler legislative seminar, Murphy called herself a "proud capitalist."

"It is the system that built us the greatest nation and the greatest economy in the world," she reminded attendees. "Sure, we have to fix the inequities that exist in our system. We have to make sure everybody, no matter what zip code they're born in, has a fair shot.

"But it is not the moment to undo the whole system and embrace something that Americans have spent blood and treasure fighting to save other countries from," she added, according to the Examiner.
People who escaped from communism are usually the strongest proponents of the free enterprise system.

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