Thursday, March 07, 2019

The People Who Approved This Should Check Their Privilege

Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan:
Williamson County officials had the ultimate power to approve an In-service “white privilege” training curriculum for their teachers last month, said a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Education Wednesday.

But that’s inconsistent with the TDOE’s standards and practices on In-service teacher training, as specified on that department’s website...

According to the TDOE’s website, “In-service education shall be consistent with the Professional Development Policy for Tennessee Schools.”

“In-Service education is defined as a program of planned activities designed to increase the competencies needed by all licensed personnel in the performance of their professional responsibilities,” according to the TDOE’s website.

“In this context, ‘competencies’ are defined as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which enable personnel to carry out their tasks with maximum effectiveness.”

Approvable activities for In-service training include, among other things, helping probationary teachers develop their skills, workshops based on the assessed needs of a school system, and studying teaching methods and strategies, TDOE’s website said.

As reported, county school system officials recently made teachers watch a video that tried to indoctrinate teachers on how to teach students about “white privilege.”

The 26-minute In-service training video, the third in a series about cultural competency, profiled several people whom the video described as “Williamson County Voices.”

You can watch the full video here.
No one will admit to being the person who approved this training.

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