Monday, March 11, 2019

The Parking Lot

I arrived at work at my usual time this morning, but the parking lot was relatively empty.  Why might this be the case?  My guess is the time change that occurred in most US states this weekend.

I can't stand changing the time.  I don't care what time zone we choose--for all I care, use Central European Time or Uzbeki Standard Time or whatever.  Just pick a time zone and stick with it.  Study after study shows no noticeable energy savings despite having an extra hour of daylight in the evenings, and what about the lost productivity?

I'm tired of changing the darn clocks.  There's no natural political constituency for changing the clocks, and surveys show that staying on one time zone has bipartisan support across the country.  We could all come together!

Pick a time zone and stick with it

1 comment:

  1. Anna A3:13 AM


    But I have to admit with the time change, the sun is no longer in my eyes when driving home from work(going west ).
