Saturday, March 02, 2019

Hate Crimes?

I gotcher hate crimes right here.  And these are real ones, with evidence and everything.

A 19-year-old man has been charged with assault after he allegedly attacked an 81-year-old man who was wearing a "Make America Great Again Hat" at a grocery store in Somerset, New Jersey, authorities announced Thursday.

Franklin Township police were called out to the grocery store after receiving reports of a fight on Monday. When they arrived, they found an 81-year-old man who had several minor injuries. The elderly man told police he was on his way out the store after finishing his shopping, when a young man, later identified as Ryan Salvagno, began confronting him over the "Make America Great Again" hat he was wearing. 
Picking on an 81-yr-old obviously makes you a man.

A suspect was identified and arrested Friday in connection with the assault of a conservative activist on the campus of the University of California-Berkeley, according to Berkeley News.

Zachary Greenberg was arrested by the University of California Police Department on Friday afternoon as the Alameda County District Attorney's Office considers whether or not to file criminal charges against him.

The assault was committed against Turning Point USA activist Hayden Williams, who says he was training other members of the organization when he was confronted and assaulted.

The incident, which took place on Feb. 19, garnered widespread attention due to video showing Williams being pushed, cursed at, and eventually punched in the face by a man in a black t-shirt.
While they consider whether or not to file criminal charges?  Sheesh.

And third, an oldie but goodie from last summer:
A man who attacked a Texas teenager over his "Make America Great Again" hat at a Whataburger fast food restaurant has been indicted by a grand jury, and faces a steep punishment for his crime.

30-year-old Kino Jimenez was made famous by the viral video showing him stealing a MAGA hat from 16-year-old Hunter Richard and cursing at him as he walked away.

He likely regrets the attention after he was apprehended by police for the assault.

Jimenez was indicted by a grand jury Friday on state felony charges of theft of person, and faces two years in jail if found guilty. 
Lefties should do a better job of "live and let live" and controlling their anger.  Maybe lefties should all be required to report to anger management training.

And look what they're teaching their kids:
On Monday, an 18-year-old Oklahoma high school student who encountered another student wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump 2020 flag like a cape, blocked the other student from passing him, and snapped, “Take it off or I’ll rip it off… do you want me to rip it off?” and “You going to rip it off or am I going to burn it?” before knocking off the hat and ripping the flag away so he could throw it on the ground.

Now the student might face a criminal charge, as a school resource officer issued an assault and battery summons by a school resource officer.
Interesting that I don't remember hearing such stories about people wearing Saint Obama apparel.  And if someone finds a story about the one time that happened somewhere, I'm going to ask--do you support such political attacks?  Were there anywhere near as many anti-Obama attacks?  Are you really going to try to claim there's some sort of parity, are you really going to claim this is just tit-for-tat?  Go sing your "mmm mmm mmm, Barack Hussein Obama" song in your comfy padded room.

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