Saturday, March 23, 2019

Cue My Shocked Face

The president of the University of California system, a Clinton cabinet member who now runs an organization well-known for using its institutional heft against conservative students and thinkers, doesn't think too highly of President Trump's executive order requiring a little free speech on campuses:
The president of the University of California system lashed out against President Donald J. Trump, who Thursday signed an executive order to protect free speech on campus.

Unprompted, Janet Napolitano issued the following statement...
Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs, Janet.

In related news, the University of California claims that calling the United States "the land of opportunity" is a "microaggression" of some sort, despite the average income of different ethnic groups in the country.  Again, don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs, Janet.

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