Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Left Can't Even Get Hating Their Enemy Right

Self-described leftist moral philosopher Jonathan Haidt posits in his book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion that there are 6 foundations of morality.  People on the American left lean very strongly on 3 of them, and people on the American right rely on all 6.  Since we on the right share the 3 foundations with our leftie compatriots, we can understand them; however, since those on the left don't rely on the other 3, they can't (and often don't) understand why conservatives think the way they do.  Well, that, and maybe it's just easier to call us racist/sexist/anyotherist than to try to be logical.

Haidt's analysis went through my mind as I read this piece:
Many moons ago, Milo Yiannopoulos told us that the demand for hate crimes far outstrips the supply. This has been obvious to many on the Right for quite a long time now. Jussie Smollett’s hoax certainly wasn’t the first such incident, though it is unusually prominent. In this, we see the Media’s journey into a Pravda-like arm of the DNC reach its final conclusion. Like Alyssa Milano, they desperately want the image of violent MAGA hat loons running around to be true. Their desire finally trumped the last vestiges of integrity they still possessed.

But beyond this, as Tom Kratman once told me, the Left does not understand us. They do not know their enemy, though we know them a bit better than they know us. Jussie’s faked hate crime smelled wrong to us from the beginning, and not just because of the lack of credible evidence, but because the Left’s conception of who and what we are is so out of touch reality. Their image of MAGA hat wearers is completely at odds with reality...

Rather, these fake hate crimes are presented in the manner a Leftist would conduct a hate campaign. Leftists are fond of indirect, symbolic tactics. PETA-tards enjoy throwing paint on people wearing leather or fur. They are fond of weird symbolism like dressing up as bloodied animals up for slaughter. See the parallels with the noose and bleach supposedly dumped on Jussie? It’s basically PETA-behavior, but staged as a Rightist thing.

No. If a Rightist is going to have a problem with you, the odds are he’s going to punch you in the face. Or follow you into a bathroom and beat you down. The Right is much more fond of directness. Does anybody really think, say, a redneck is going to dump bleach on you and run away? Do you think he cares about the symbolism of a noose, or that he’s going to go out of his way to wear a certain hat – so as to make the right fashion statement during the attack? No. If he has a problem, he’s going to get in your face, probably punch it repeatedly, and walk away when he feels his point has been made.

In this the Left betrays how little they understand us. For even their hoaxes seem like bad parodies to us. It’s what a Leftist would do, only reversed in ideological polarity. It’s not what a Rightist would do. They don’t get us.
They don't even hate us for who we are, they hate us for who they think we are.


  1. That's something I have observed to be an accurate assessment:
    They hate a straw version of the right, which is actually a mirror universe version of themselves. Since reality doesn't actually give them the horrible enemy they want to fight against, they project themselves as the enemy instead.

  2. Haidt's not a lefty. His research has driven him to reject leftism.

  3. I haven't heard him identify himself as anything but a leftie. He doesn't like today's so-called progressives, though, that's for sure.
