Saturday, February 02, 2019

Stop Using Children As Pawns For Your Own Political Views

Does anyone really believe that K-8th graders determined on their own that their presence at a Christian school would be dangerous?  Really?
A progressive school in the nation's capital said its students will not be playing sports at the school where Second Lady Karen Pence teaches part-time because of safety concerns.

Jessica Donovan, headmaster of Sheridan School, a K-8 institution located in northwest D.C. that has a tuition of more than $36,000 a year, sent a letter to parents saying Immanuel Christian School's policies were an "obvious challenge" given the school's "fundamental belief in diversity and inclusion."
Has anyone ever been harmed at that school? Are the students at that school menacing in some way?  Of course not.  This is adults, using children to score the tiniest of political points against the vice president's wife.  What small, petty people.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention the added security of the second lady's secret service detail.
