Thursday, February 21, 2019

I'm Not An Entrepreneur, But I Sure Support Them

Whatever "it" is that makes entrepreneurs, I lack it.  I was a pretty good manufacturing manager, and if I have a superpower it would be the ability to look at a system and identify where it can be made more efficient.  You'd want me in charge of your plant, and in a military environment, you'd want me as your second-in-command.  But seeing a need in the marketplace and trying to fill it?  Starting a business?  No, that's just not me.  And every internet quiz I've ever taken about being an entrepreneur says the same thing.

But some people make excellent entrepreneurs, and I hope the United States will always remain a country that welcomes and supports them:
Seattle has been suffering through its snowiest February in 70 years, with accumulations of up to 10 inches in some places. But all that white has meant green for one young man with a snowplow, who says he made $35,000 in four days.
What's he going to do with all that money?
Holston said he plans to donate 20% to his church, buy some lawn equipment, and will save the rest to put toward his first house. 
Way to go, kid!

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