Friday, February 22, 2019

I Support This. For The Environment.

I wonder what the probability of seeing these lanes in my lifetime is:
A California lawmaker has introduced a bill that would make the state part of an exclusive club: The state would become one of the rare places in the world with highways with no speed limit.

State Sen. John Moorlach, R-Costa Mesa, has introduced Senate Bill 319, which would add two lanes each to the north- and south-bound lanes of I-5 and Highway 99 — those lanes would have no upper speed limit. Moorlach argued in the bill language that “traffic congestion increases the emissions of greenhouse gases as it causes automobiles to idle longer while on roadways.“
A Republican proposed this? Then it will never happen in California.  But but but, it's for the environment!  How will a liberal make up his/her/xis mind?  I know.  He/she/xe will say it won't help the environment, and then he/she/xe can oppose this bill without any cognitive dissonance.  Whew, glad that's all figured out.


  1. There are definitely parts of I-5 north and south of Sacramento, in that flat, dry Central Valley area, where Autobahn-esque lanes could be added.
    Those roads are STRAIGHT and boring, with nothing around to see (or hit) other than orchards and such.
    But it won't happen because the Cali-Democrats can argue against it because at speeds over 65, a car's MPG reduces drastically. A 100 MPH speed limit burns more gas, which means environmental damage, more carbon emissions, global warming, etc.

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM
