Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Didn't Have To Be Sad For Too Long

Yes, I felt some sadness as my car of 12 years was driven away last night by a new owner.  That sadness was mitigated, somewhat, by the new addition to the family that I brought home a few minutes ago:

There's going to be some camping accomplished this summer.

Update, 2/18/19:  The dealership wanted anywhere from $800-$1500 to install side rails.  I got these for about $150 from Amazon and a friend from work helped me install them on Saturday:

And this afternoon I moved some stuff around in my garage (and got rid of some stuff, too) and now The Battlestar will actually fit in the garage--with a few inches to spare.

Life is good.


  1. We bought our retirement car last month. It's the first new car we've bought in 35 years. It's a blue, 2019 Subaru Outback. The problem is I am scared to park it in my school's parking lot because I don't want it to be a target for vandalism. So I'm still driving the 20 year old CRV for the time being.

  2. I hope it serves you well Darren.

  3. It's like McDonald's--I'm lovin' it :-)
