Thursday, February 07, 2019

A Clear Double Standard

If the press didn't have double standards, it would have no standards at all:
Does anyone think that either one of these jokers, Northam or Herring, would be accorded any courtesy by the media if they were Republicans? No. There would be special theme songs on cable and network news, there would be special graphics, there would be people interviewing every person that ever went to school with these blackfacers. The media would be parked outside their residences, following relatives around, going through trash. There would be confrontations by angry activists captured on video. Think of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing as a paradigm. Why aren't we seeing this?

Now Herring is 2nd in line to take over from the blackface governor. So who is the first in line? I'm glad you asked because....

VA Democrat Lt. Gov. accused of sexual assault
"Believe all women" only applies if the accused has an (R) after his name.

So, the top 3 politicians in the state of Virginia have been involved in wearing blackface (or perhaps a KKK costume) or of sexual assault.  I just want to remind you that the Republicans are the bad guys--just in case all evidence to the contrary is confusing you.  Also want to remind you that it was the Democrats who set these crazy standards, and my inner Saul Alinsky wants to hold them to those standards.


  1. Don't forget that even if they have a (D) after their name, CNN will helpfully switch it to an (R).

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I listen to a wide variety of news outlets on television and radio, and these allegations are brought up literally every hour. I read both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal so that I can get both the liberal and conservative spin on things, and both papers have featured this on the front page with more in depth commentary inside. Believe me, the press is covering this.

  3. Yes, it's being covered, but not in the way it would be if they were Republicans (as described in my post).

  4. Anon

    With all due respect the WSJ is not a "conservative" newspaper. Any paper openly advocating for open borders has failed a litmus test, much like the NYT wanting all abortion, all the time.

    Does the WSJ have some conservative leanings, yes. But it's not a conservative news source.
