Monday, January 28, 2019

Too Many Lefties Are Insane

Try this thought experiment and see if you come to the same conclusion:
As of now, I will no longer tolerate any clothing featuring the hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle is the symbol of a totalitarian ideology that has murdered millions since its conception. The very sight of this iconography triggers me to such a degree that I feel perfectly justified abusing total strangers who've made the choice to wear it on their bodies. I don't care about their reasons. I don't care about their excuses. I don't even care how old they are. If anyone displays that Commie crap in my presence, he deserves whatever he gets.

Be assured: the above is not my true position. But think about it: what would happen if, upon seeing the hammer and sickle, I actually did scream like a banshee and refuse to serve the person wearing it? What if I punched him -- or offered money or gifts to anyone who would do it in my place? What if I searched up his personal information and sent him harassing emails? What if I tracked down the guy's employer and demanded he be fired?

Wouldn't I be declared insane?

Obviously, what I've just done here is reverse the logic of the current MAGA Hat Hysteria.
One of my students recently gave me a MAGA hat. As I don't wear hats in general, I haven't worn it yet. But if lefties keep up their theatrics, I might wear it if only to trigger some.

Update:  If I were anywhere near Atlanta this weekend....
Main Street Patriots’ MAGA Hat Rally is scheduled for Saturday February 16 at CNN headquarters in Atlanta.

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