Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Super Bowl Sex

Soon we're going to be hearing the breathless reports about prostitution, sex slavery, human trafficking--whatever you call it, we'll hear about it because of the Super Bowl.  Does anyone know if it's for real?
REPOST:  SUPER BOWL SEX TRAFFICKING: It’s that time of year again—when the Super Bowl host city starts assuring the public that it is doing everything possible to combat the expected explosion of sex crimes. It don’t really blame these cities for ramping up. If it were true that the Super Bowl brings with it the massive sexual exploitation of minors that would be very serious. But it is not true.  Nor is it true that ordinary adult prostitution increases to unusual levels.  The Super Bowl is mostly about … shock alert … a football game (and a few very expensive television ads).

A few years ago the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights issued an overwrought report entitled “Sex Trafficking: A Gender-Based Violation of Civil Rights.” I wrote a 30-page Statement that was critical of the report. A few pages of it deal with the Super Bowl myth.  I also included a bit about the White Slavery Panic and about Filipina hostesses in Japan.

I reposted this with the links fixed.  Sorry about that.

Posted at 7:45 am by Gail Heriot
Here's the abstract from the report linked above:
Gail L. Heriot

University of San Diego School of Law

Date Written: 2014

On September 30, 2014, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights published a report entitled "Sex Trafficking: A Gender-Based Violation of Civil Rights.” This Statement was part of that report. It argues that the Commission's report sensationalizes the issue it intends to grapple with in a counter-productive way. It also takes the position that the Commission’s report conflates very different problems (actual sexual slavery, teenage runaway prostitution and adult prostitution) that must be dealt with in very different ways.
References to so-called toxic masculinity in three, two, one....

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