Thursday, January 17, 2019

One Of The Most Amazing Presidential Letters I've Ever Seen

Nancy Pelosi wants to prevent from addressing a joint session of Congress to deliver the State Of The Union address?  He saw her bet, and raised bigly:
Bet's to you, Nancy.

Chris Cillizza isn't too happy about the above letter, and doesn't see the irony in his own words:

I'm gonna go make some more popcorn, this is entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when Pelosi claimed she was "equal to Trump" as Speaker? I guess she isn't.
    On a more serious note, where exactly were those Democrats going? They may have claimed it was to visit the troops, but as I said on another blog, that's like having grandma visit you at college, and all the other kids have weapons, and grandma likes them better. My concern is that this was an attempt to get other nations to participate in an overthrow. An itinerary of Afghanistan, Egypt and Brussels makes no sense unless you think that you can talk to the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and the UN to foment a revolution of sorts. BTW, the oppositional defiant nature of the Democrats is matched by the behavior of Parliament regarding Brexit. I cannot help but think, especially given the source of the dossier, that this is coordinated to blindside the current administration by not letting them know the true intent of Democrats until after the betrayal is complete.

    There is more to this story. Why are Democrats afraid of a standard SOTU address? What news is coming out soon? There's just too many odd coincidences for this to be simple fate. BTW, the friend of a son is on Lindsay Graham's staff. I will hear sooner or later what his reaction was to all of this.
