Sunday, January 06, 2019

Is Porn Like Abortion?

Lefties always say that if you don't like abortion, don't have one.  Does that go for porn, too?
A movement to ban porn is gaining steam on some college campuses—and it's mostly led by male students. Jim Martinson, a senior at Notre Dame, penned a letter to the campus newspaper in October asking the administration to install a porn filter so that students wouldn't be able to access websites like Pornhub and Redtube on the university's wifi.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The students who are opposing porn are not "lefties" but devout Christians. One of the saddest aspects of Trump is the rise of pro-porn people who call themselves conservatives. You can go all the way back to Reagan to see that true conservatives respect women.

  2. I assumed they were Catholics since they went to Notre Dame.

    You think porn is a way of demonstrating disrespect towards women? I think it's libertarian. There's a funny quote I encounter periodically about prudishness, that one generation it's dressed in liberal attire and the next in conservative attire.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Being a devout Christian is still a conservative thing, even in this generation.

  4. Catholics do not vote conservative in this country.

  5. Anna A3:02 AM

    Unfortunately, (Or at least most of them)

    GRIN, I am a Republican, conservative in both religion and politics, and a Catholic.
