Thursday, December 27, 2018

They Shall Not Grow Old

Who pays $17 to see a documentary about World War I?  I do.  And it was fantastic.  Highly recommended.  Worth buying on blu-ray.

After the credits was a 30 minute behind-the-scenes video on how the archival footage was made realistic.  Peter Jackson talked about how there were entire components of the war--at sea, in the air, on the home front--that he just didn't have time to address.  I hope someone finds that time.

1 comment:

  1. We went and saw it about 10 days ago, wasn't it great?? I would love to see about 9 more of those on different aspects of the war. My kid went back and saw it again today, and said it was neat being able to watch it without wondering how they'd done all that.
