Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Before They Became Anti-American, Did The Left Believe In Due Process?

When did the Left jettison due process in pursuit of its goals?
Five fraternities at West Virginia University claim they are being sanctioned for behavior that had already been punished, and a civil-liberties group is warning the school its treatment of the groups is unconstitutional.

At least one of the fraternities claims that several officials have told the group that it has no due process rights. One WVU official was caught on tape explicitly telling multiple Greek-letter organizations that “student organizations do not have due process rights.”

This treatment from the administration led the five fraternities to split off from the university and form an Independent Interfraternity Council, which was followed by a public denouncement from President E. Gordon Gee.

Conor Wischmann, president of the IIFC, told The College Fix that his fraternity Sigma Chi “was never given the opportunity” to meet with the working group that imposed the new sanctions “for events that had already been adjudicated years prior.”

It was “a clear example of WVU’s disregard for a fair and equitable due process,” he wrote in an email.
When they say "by any means necessary", they seem to mean it literally.

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