Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Baby, It's Not Cold Outside. It's Cold In Your Heart.

Today at lunch a fellow teacher was talking about how rape-y Baby It's Cold Outside is.  I suggested he think for himself and quit following the herd of leftidiots who try to take all pleasure out of anything.

Seriously.  Baby It's Cold Outside is about rape?  Really?  Really?  Everyone's grandma loves that song!  "That's because they didn't listen to the lyrics", he said.  Really?  You don't think it's possible they listened to the lyrics and decided that, rather than forcible and unwanted sex, the song is about canoodling and a little (consensual) nookie?  Persuasion is very different from coercion.  Unless you want to claim that the song, when written, implies the drink was spiked, rather than the more obvious "I want an excuse to say yes so I'll suggest this drink is strong", well, if you're the one who's always hearing dog whistles, then you must be the dog.

I wrote the following years ago, and it rings true in this current manufactured brouhaha:
Christmas certainly started out as a religious celebration, but it now has a secular component. Until someone can show me in the Sacred Scrolls passages about a fat man in a red suit living at the North Pole with his flying reindeer and elves, that part is secular.

Yet some will still scream. It's like they think they have power in a politically-correct world, and want to use it. It doesn't really matter what the outcome is, only that they precipitated that outcome.

I think that's the way many who "oppose" the Pledge of Allegiance are--they just want their pathetic existences to have some meaning, even if it brings no good at all.

So when someone (who, interestingly enough, chooses to remain anonymous) tries to get Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer removed from the kindergarten Christmas show solely because the song has the word "Christmas" in it, you have to wonder--evil, stupid, pathetic, or some mixture of all the above?
Lefties should lighten up and try, just try, to enjoy the world a little bit.

Fortunately, some people have realized that the lefties have gone too far with BICO and are returning it to the airwaves.

My favorite conservative response to the imbroglio:  "Liberals will support misogynist, hate-filled, violent rap music, but BICO is unacceptable!"


  1. What really makes heads explode is to show people the clip (on YouTube) of that song as featured in the film "Neptune's Daughter."
    There is the standard version of the song, with Ricardo Montalban singing the part to a woman...and then the other performance of the song, in which a WOMAN is singing to a man (Red Skelton) who laments that he shouldn't stay and is actually not trying to be talked into staying.

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Heard someone say that if the progressives push things far enough they won't be procreating. That would mean that over time, there would be fewer of them. IF ONLY that were so and that time cannot come soon enough.
