Sunday, December 02, 2018

Another (Major) Fake Hate Crime

Since Instapundit says it best, I'll shamelessly lift his post:
IF IT WEREN’T FOR FAKE HATE CRIMES, HOW MANY HATE CRIMES WOULD THERE BE? Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for spraying N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIMSELF and other minority students in two incidents that terrorized the campus.
A black college lacrosse player has been arrested in connection with two incidents of racist graffiti found in a dorm on the Goucher College campus in Maryland.

Fynn Ajani Arthur, a 21-year-old from Brunswick, Maine, was charged with two counts of malicious destruction of property on Thursday night in Baltimore County.

His arrest came after graffiti aimed at black and Latino students was found on the second floor of a campus dorm, one floor above where similar graffiti had been found on November 14, Goucher College administrators said in a statement.

Both incidents that shook the Towson campus involved backward swastikas and targeted specific individuals, according to the statement.

Thursday’s graffiti depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur. The previous graffiti reportedly said all ‘n*****s’ on campus would be killed.
I now start with the assumption that incidents like this are fake. The demand for Nazi/White Supremacist hatred far exceeds the supply.
98 Posted at 8:00 am by Glenn Reynolds
Update: And another one:
In mid-November, a Drake University student told school officials she had received four racist notes in one of the residence halls, at least one of which was addressed to her.

After a police and school investigation, the student, who has not been charged or named, admitted to writing one of the notes. The Des Moines Register reports that Drake officials “are confident the four notes reported by the female student were hoaxes.”

The student who sent the four hoax notes now faces harassment charges, according to Sgt. Paul Parizek, a Des Moines, IA, police spokesman (whether she will actually be charged remains to be seen and is unlikely). Drake spokesman Jarad Bernstein told the Register that the student also faces a campus discipline procedure which could result in her expulsion. Again, this is unlikely, as most hoaxers claim they were trying to “start a dialogue” and get a pass.
If you have to fake so-called hate crimes in order to "raise awareness", if there aren't enough real so-called hate crimes to raise awareness, then shouldn't we celebrate that lack? Shouldn't that be good?  Lying about something to make matters seem worse than they are, what kind of person does that?  Not a good person.

Crying wolf like this causes reasonable people to doubt the real problems when they arise.


  1. Just before the recent Mississippi Senate election, multiple nooses were found around the capital. The usual suspect screamed racism. I'm just waiting for the time when the supporters of the democratic are arrested for putting this BS up.

  2. Students see others become immediate celebrities after claiming social justice victimhood and they want some of that (as the kids say....). So seeing no other way to garner fame and fortune, these large children make up things. They seem utterly clueless of the potential for the destruction of an individual's or group's reputation for their fifteen minutes of fame. What is more, they don't seem to care very much even when they get caught. It's all become part of the game.
