Monday, December 10, 2018

A Good Night's Sleep

For several nights I didn't feel like I was getting restful sleep.  Late yesterday afternoon I thought that perhaps the waterbed wasn't warm enough, so I upped the temperature about 2 degrees.  Except for waking up at 1am after a particularly bad dream, I slept like a baby and felt great when I got up.

They may be 1970's chic and 1970's technology, but I do love waterbeds!

1 comment:

  1. My sister had a roommate from the south when they were both at U-WI. The roommate didn't understand that you don't ever turn the heat off completely in the winter, and the thermostat wasn't one of those with a minimum temp.

    So, when my sis got back from Xmas break, she found her waterbed frozen into a solid block of ice.

    It took a looooong time to thaw back out again.
