Thursday, November 22, 2018

Would Students Choose Not To Celebrate Racism?

University students are capable of intelligence, but usually not wisdom.  How many of the liberal crazies would live up to their own stupidity, a la Alinsky?
OK, so we've established that Thanksgiving is "racist" to at least some extent. We know that school administrators firmly believe that.

So why acknowlege the holiday at all by giving students several days off? Isn't that supporting "racism"? Besides, wouldn't you like to take a peek inside the homes of the holiday's most vociferous critics and see what they're eating for dinner?

Every year we get the same lefty guilt trip about what Thanksgiving "really" means. And every year, everyone ignores them and goes ahead with their feast. If they really took their criticisms of the holiday to heart, they would force students to attend classes and have anything for dinner but turkey.

That's not going to happen, so expect this hypocrisy to continue every Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I hear the same nonsense expressed from many of my students. This is my response:
