Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Schools Are Becoming Asylums

It's not always the kids, oftentimes it's the adults:
A Florida school district allowed a self-described transgender female student regular access to the boys’ locker room, with no advance warning to the boys or their parents. The first time she walked in, she caught “boys (literally) with their pants down, causing them embarrassment and concern by the fact that they had been observed changing by an obvious girl,” says a complaint letter to Pasco County School District from Liberty Counsel, a pro-bono constitutional law firm.

With a “gag order,” school administrators forbade teachers from talking about the change, and ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room, the letter says. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.'”

In an email, an administrator initially threatened to put the male coach on administrative leave, telling him that refusing to supervise a potentially naked female student would “not be tolerated,”said Liberty Counsel attorney Richard Mast. The school’s other P.E. teacher, who is female, also objected and was ignored.
In what kind of Bizarro-world is this male teacher the problem in this story?

1 comment:

  1. I read that this morning.
    What caught my attention after I re-read this article was the fact that this district has actually hired Jackie Jackson-Dean, a school psychologist, as a LGBT liason. She gets an administrative salary to do, among other things, develop the "school district’s [LGBT] best practices guide.”
    And apparently they did this without giving notice to the elected school board, parents, or voters.
    This is administrative bloat at its finest, folks, in addition to the jaw-droppingly tone-deaf response to this teacher's principled stand.
