Friday, November 23, 2018

Compulsion--It's All Unions Know

Can you think of any other organization that government allows to act this way?
A state fair police officer is suing his union because it won’t let him quit paying dues, challenging a common provision in California public employee contracts that forbids workers from leaving labor organizations while contracts are in effect...

Cooley’s case, similar to the other lawsuits, contends that the California State Law Enforcement Association is violating the principles of the new Supreme Court decision by rejecting his request to quit the union.
Maybe, just maybe, if unions had something valuable to offer, they wouldn't need to force people to be members.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I’ve seen unions contribute greatly to teacher’s working conditions. I’ve been a member of either NEA or AFT in four states, TX, CA, NM, and NH. I’ve seen union negotiations improve class size limits; salaries and benefits, guaranteed prep time, personal leave days, limits to non-teaching duties, and staff development funding.

    Lots I don’t like about both organizations, but don’t say they don’t contribute.

    Richard the liberal

  2. Where did I say they don't "contribute"? You infer that.

    I *imply* that their negatives outweigh their positives.
