Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh

My best friend's wife's brother knows this guy whose sister's college roommate was best friends with a woman whose daughter babysat Kavanaugh when he was young, and she heard him call someone--someone she couldn't identify--a poo-poo head.

No way does this guy belong on the Supreme Court.


  1. My best friend's wife's brother knows this guy whose sister's college roommate was best friends with a woman whose daughter babysat Kavanaugh when he was young, and she heard him call someone--someone she couldn't identify--a poo-poo head.


    Call MSNBC, that will make you an expert on Judge Kavanaugh in their mind.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She could 100% remember the people involved, but could not tell where it was? She had on a swim suit, so there was a pool. But still doesn't know the location? Details like that don't get pushed to the back of your psyche. She should be able to say "Brett and Mike pushed me into the second bedroom on the left upstairs at "Bill Thomas'" house" if she had 100% memory of the event.

  3. Here's the dangerous thing...the new paradigm of telling boys they must show their emotions, use their words and yet somehow these same folks are pillorying Kavanaugh for showing emotion when he is at the receiving end of what he says is a false accusation. So are men not supposed to show emotion? It's only okay for women and children? Isn't that the male attitude that feminists are trying to eliminate? Doesn't this make them hypocrites????

  4. mit-souko12:22 PM

    The problem is that he isn't a Democrat. No matter his attitude, it was going to be criticized.

  5. Phillip Marlowe5:24 PM

    I get the notion that some people don't know a teenager who was sexually assaulted or raped.

  6. What's important here is that there's no evidence, none at all, that Judge Kavanaugh sexaully assaulted or raped anyone.

    He cannot held responsible for what other people did. That's not justice.
