Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Commentary On The Liberal Temper Tantrum Seen At Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearing Today

A (supposedly) wise man once said, "Elections have consequences."  Liberals loved that when he said it, they're not liking the practice of it right now.  That's why they've been throwing a non-stop temper tantrum since November 2016.

Why is the left so against Kavanaugh's confirmation--keeping in mind that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed by a 96-3 vote, even though she was nominated by a man who was under criminal investigationHere's why:
Did you know that the U.S. Supreme Court is there to protect the little guy and minorities, uphold women’s rights, and destroy school choice? That’s according to the make-it-up-as-you-go-along left, including the teachers unions. In reality, the job of a SCOTUS Justice is simply to defend the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps Walter Williams put it best when he recently wrote, “The U.S. Constitution represents “our rules of the game” and “Supreme Court justices should be seen as umpires or referees, whose job is to enforce neutral rules"...

Ultimately, as The Federalist’s David Harsanyi writes, “Democrats Don’t Fear Brett Kavanaugh. They Fear the Constitution.” The unions and others on the left believe that the Constitution is a “living, breathing” document. This means they can contort it to fit their political and social agendas. Brett Kavanaugh knows what the Constitution is about and, if his appointment is successful, will wisely rule the way the founders intended.
We can hope he will.

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