Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Clearly a Genius, With An Ocasio-Cortez-like Degree In Economics In the Offing

This person is running for governor of one of our most populous states:
In her quest to become New York’s next governor, Cynthia Nixon has advocated for a single-payer health care system in the state – something studies have shown would be a costly endeavor...

Nixon recently told the New York Daily News editorial board she did not yet have a plan to pay for single-payer.

“Pass it and then figure out how to fund it,” Nixon said.

I say that sarcastically.  Liberals say it fawningly.


  1. Yes, they say that ALL THE TIME!
    It's socially justicey! It's equality! It will save the planet from the plague of plastic bags and drinking straws! It will free us from oil! Free schools! Free lunch! Free houses!
    Good things have no price tag, in their eyes, so they always want to vote YES now, since what they want is symbolically much more important than the implementation of these "good things."

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Just after the plastic hysteria started, I read a couple of articles thst pointed out that the plastic straw numbers being quoted were from an unscientific 5th-grade science project and have never been verified. Also, apparently 90% of the plastic waste floating in the oceans is from ten rivers, in Asia and Africa, and another 5% is from Brazil. As with other kinds of pollution, the first-world, Western countries do many things much more cleanly than developing or third-world countries. Exceptions like San Francisco, Seattle etc. are obsessing about plastic straws while plastic syringes (many likely carrying serious diseases), and their caps (along with excrement - ditto for diseases - and other filth), are scattered around the cities make reasonable, commonsensical, people want to bang heads against walls.

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Regarding plastic bags, I am sure there are many others like me, who re-use them at groceries and other stores, farmers’ markets, pet waste, and as liners for wastebaskets at home. San Francisco farmers’ markets are required to supply only biodegradable plastic bags, which apparently start to compost salad mixtures, berries and other delicate produce, within 15”, according to the vendor who slipped me an alternative (under the table), on my last (and it will be my last) visit. Moonbattery to the max, but I am sure the politicians are pleased. I doubt that they have read that several studies on the cleanliness/bacterial levels of reusable grocery bags do not inspire confidence in their food-safe status.

  4. It is the same attitude that they plastered on the media for ACA. "You have to vote on it to see what is in it."
    As it turned out most of the provisions cost everyone more. But the patrician class in Washington is far more interested in lining their own nests than the plight average folks. They've forgotten the admonishment of Tip O Neill "ALL politics is local."
