Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why Is The School Involved In This At All?

School isn't even in session yet, and district personnel believe the video was not made on district property.  So why is the district even involved?
The Sacramento City Unified School District is investigating two of its students for allegedly posting a video with racist slurs in it on Instagram, Superintendent Jorge Aguilar wrote in a statement Wednesday.

A blurry, nine-second screengrab of the video was shared Tuesday on Facebook by Black Lives Matter Sacramento, and shows a male and a female teen wearing blackface or black masks. In one scene, a male voice says “I don’t think this bird likes n------.” In the second scene, he says “Hi, n-----,” as a female laugh is heard.

District spokesman Alex Barrios said the district believes the two people in the video are students at C.K. McClatchy High School, but has not yet determined their identities.

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