Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Current "Long March" Through Institutions

May this plan have as much success as Bolivarian Socialism has:
The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization is urging socialists to “take jobs as teachers” in order to exploit the “political, economic, and social potential the industry holds"...

For those who might be reluctant to engage directly in teaching, the handbook suggests non-teacher positions that are often represented by education unions, such as “school secretaries, guidance counselors, psychologists, speech therapists, parent coordinators, and special education support staff.”

“There is a growing national network of educators in DSA working to transform our schools, our unions, and our society,” the section concludes. “Being a member of DSA means there is a pre-existing network of fellow socialists you can tap for support as you undertake this work.”
And then, the indoctrination of other people's children.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I teach physics. I am not a liberal democrat. If anything I am very moderate and centrist in my views.
    In any case, this is what physics education has turned into: (take a look at the picture)
    Please explain to me how this will turn people into engineers. Also, the person in the back holds up a sign saying something about not mattering what religion they are but the guy in front of him has the FSM symbol on his sign (where these staunch atheists don't allow anyone to think differently.)
    This picture is full of so much cognitive dissonance but this is an organization that years ago, I paid for a membership. This is an organization that's supposed to churn out the next generation of scientists: virtue signaling pussy hat wearing BLM supporters who love islam and atheism at the same time.
    (If they knew my gender and race, these liberals' heads would be spinning. I don't fit their narrative.)
