Sunday, July 15, 2018

Free Universities

This article includes our service academies, which, while technically "free", aren't truly comparable to civilian universities.  In fact, in my day, we used to say that "West Point is a $180,000 education shoved up your *** a nickel at a time."  The rest of the schools listed, though, are tuition-free universities, although there are some catches.

The schools are:

Berea College
This small school in Kentucky has a singular mission: to attract underprivileged students committed to working hard.
College of the Ozarks
Dubbed Hard Work U, this is one of the hardest Midwestern schools to get in to, with an 8 percent acceptance rate.
Deep Springs College
This incredibly small all-male liberal arts college is in California's remote High Desert. Although obtaining a spot is highly competitive, every student is awarded a scholarship that covers tuition and room and board.
Webb Institute
Founded by the shipbuilder William Webb, this little engineering college in New York is tailor made for those who want to pursue a very specific career...There is only one academic major and one degree offered at this institution but as the school says, "if you can design a ship, you can design anything."

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