Monday, July 16, 2018

Blogging Will Be Lighter Than Usual For Awhile

Tomorrow, rather early, I'm off on my last trip of the summer, returning home only a few days before I have to go back to work.  But what a summer!  San Juan Island, the Yucatan, and now--I don't want to tell you just yet!  (Gotta give you a reason to come back here and check!)  I've scheduled a few posts to pop up periodically for the next many days, just to let you know where I anticipate being!  I will say that part of this trip is a cruise, and there will be at least one 3-day stint out in the water with no ports, which means no wifi at all, and thus no posting.  And when I get to the ports I'll probably want to explore these places I've never been before!  So again, blogging will be light.

However, the first couple days of the trip, and the last couple days, will be spent in large cities, and from there I'll be able to post pictures and updates.  In fact, I look forward to doing so!

So, a hint.  Tomorrow I leave on Air Canada.  Why Air Canada, and why a connection in Canada?   Because Air Canada flies Boeing 787's on the route from Canada to my first destination, and I want to fly on that aircraft!  (I hope they don't swap aircraft on me.)  Given the time zone changes and flight times, I probably won't post at all tomorrow.

Check back Wednesday!

(P.S.  Yes, my house is in good hands!)

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