Monday, May 07, 2018

They're Getting Nervous

The Supreme Court heard the Janus case in late February, and a decision will be handed down before the Court adjourns on June 30th.  The CTA and my local union must both be getting nervous in anticipation of the outcome, as there have been a few interesting steps taken:
1)  anti-Janus "information" from CTA has been posted on the union bulletin board.
2)  my local union asked for, and was given, permission by the district to have 10 minutes of time during staff meetings both last month and this month in order to encourage teachers to stay in the union if the Janus decision goes the way the union expects.  They asked for time during the meetings instead of after, as that way teachers can't just leave if they have something better to do than listen to union propaganda.  Typical of the way unions operate, no?
3)  today our superintendent sent out a joint email with the local union president stating how the district and the union will continue to collude cooperate on a list of topics if the Court rules in favor of Mark Janus.

I hope their concerns are well placed.

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