Wednesday, May 09, 2018

The Ghettobird

If you live in a nice enough area, perhaps you don't have ghettobirds where you live.  I live in a very middle class area, not too far from a working class (or lower) area.  I periodically see ghettobirds flying overhead, but seldom are their vocal squawks directed in the direction of my part of town.

I woke up at 3 this morning.  I have double-paned windows, so I didn't immediately recognize the sound of the ghettobird overhead, but it was close enough that I could make out some of its squawks:  "armed robbery" and "dangerous".

Yes, the sheriff's helicopter was blasting a warning over its speaker at 3am, warning people to stay inside, and to lock their doors and windows, because they were hunting for a suspect in the area.  I just conducted a brief search for "armed robbery" on two of our local news sites and nothing obvious came up, so I have no idea if law enforcement caught the bad person.

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