Saturday, May 05, 2018

Teacher of the Year Demonstrates Lack of Class

If you don't want to meet the President, then don't meet the President.  But to be invited to meet the President, and to use that opportunity to make your personal political points, is both classless and undignified:
On Wednesday, Mandy Manning, this year's National Teacher of the Year, met President Donald Trump during a White House ceremony to receive her award.

But as Trump entered the room and everyone began clapping out of respect, Manning did the opposite and stood in silence in protest of the president...

Toward the end of the ceremony, President Trump went to shake Manning's hand, but she kept to herself. Manning also handed Trump handwritten letters from immigrants and refugees that she teaches...

Despite their political differences, Trump praised Manning's performance and her “incredible devotion” to her job.
The President was the one acting like an adult here.

1 comment:

  1. She demonstrated a lack of respect and professionalism. Since she was picked to represent ALL of us, I think she owes us an apology for her lack of public awareness. I am sick and tired of public rudeness being considered acceptable.
