Monday, May 21, 2018

How Unhinged Is The Left Becoming?

So unhinged that they'll support Hamas rather than admit that President Trump did something right (in fact, he carried out the policy of the American government as has been stated since President Clinton's first term.  School personnel are certainly not immune to Trump Derangement Syndrome, and fortunately, some parents are calling them out on it:
This moment of silence caused a lot of noise.

Students at the elite Beacon School were asked to pause from their studies last week to pay tribute to the victims of violence in Gaza, where some 60 Palestinians were killed the day before by Israeli soldiers.

The school-wide announcement Tuesday stunned some students and has outraged parents who question why the school is entering into the divisive Palestinian-Israeli conflict with what they see as an anti-Jewish bent.

“I am extremely upset because I did not send my child to a New York City public school to pray for Hamas operatives,” said one father, who is Jewish.
The meme last week was that the left hates President Trump so much that they supported Hamas and MS-13 over him.  Reason has left them completely at this point.

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