Thursday, May 17, 2018

Faster Internet, Day 1

After about 20 years or so with the same company and with the same email address, I finally had to make a change.  My ISP couldn't provide the bandwidth I now desire, but the devil (Comcast) could.

It was installed yesterday, and so far I'm pleased.  I went from about 1 Mbps download speed with DSL (seems like dial-up nowadays) to up to 60 Mbps download.  Internet speed tests put my download speed at about 25 Mbps--nowhere near 60, but still well over 20x my previous speed, and for about the same price as I had been paying for DSL.

Getting a new email address after 20 years--big change!  Good thing I've had my Yahoo address for about as long, and most businesses communicate with me using that address.


  1. Try connecting directly to your modem instead of wireless (run a cable). Speeds bounce up significantly in many cases.

  2. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Do you get Norton Security Suite with Comcast internet? If so, don't forget to go to the bottom of the Comcast webpage after you logIn and download it.

  3. Three: I'll try that if I truly need to. (The modem is in another room.)

    Anonymous: I still have this year's Kaspersky from my old ISP; perhaps next year, when there's a new version, I'll change to Norton.

  4. I found a cable that will *barely* reach the modem in the other room. 68 Mbps if I cable it, 25 if I use wifi. I'll stick with wifi, knowing that I have access to 68 if I need it!
