Friday, May 04, 2018

Crushing Disappointment

Over a week ago I scheduled the big day for tomorrow--my ISP is supposed to come out, work some of their magic, and get me 6x my current bandwidth.

Except they're not now.  Today I got a voice mail saying that my house is too far from "the box" and hence I can't get upgraded.  So I'm stuck with what I have.

I'm checking other internet service providers in the area.

Update, 5/6/18:  In 2 weeks I'll be getting cable internet through Comcast.  From what I've read and heard about Comcast over the years, I'm sure I'll be signing in blood.  Anyway, I'll be getting 50-60x my current bandwidth for about what I'm currently paying.

And yes, they really want me to pay for their cable TV.  Not interested.

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