Thursday, May 10, 2018

Couldn't Have Happened To A Nicer Piece of Human Debris

I'm glad not everyone in California is taken with this wannabe fascist:
A California judge declined to drop felony charges against a middle school teacher-turned-Antifa leader and two other activists despite lawyers claiming the charges were part of a “witch hunt” against the educator.

Yvette Felarca, 47, the leader and spokesperson for the anti-fascist group By Any Means Necessary and a middle school teacher in Berkeley, was accused of inciting and participating in a riot in 2016 between white nationalist groups and counter-protesters. 
And let's not forget this branch of her sordid story: 
A middle school teacher and prominent member of an Antifa group has been ordered to pay legal fees for a failed attempt to get a permanent restraining order against the former president of the Berkeley College Republicans at the University of California, Berkeley, according to reports.

Alameda County Superior Court Commissioner Thomas Rasch ordered Yvette Felarca, the leader of By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), an Antifa, or anti-fascist, group, to pay $10,000 in attorney’s fees and $1,100 in court fees, The Berkeleyside reported Friday. Rasch said that Felarca’s legal actions against Troy Worden, the former head of the Berkeley College Republicans, were not brought in good faith...

“Felarca filed a frivolous restraining order that restricted Worden’s First and Second Amendment rights and made it difficult for him to move around the campus to attend classes,” Meuser told Fox News in November.

Worden said he and many other UC Berkeley College Republicans faced months of harassment and violence.
She's a middle school teacher.  People trusted their children to her.

1 comment:

  1. We have our own local version of this. A predominantly white affluent suburb elected one of the BLM members who help agitate over the faux outrage due to unauthorized teens terrorizing a housing development being stopped by police in McKinney. I wrote about this incident years ago-it was posed on the national media as cops gone wrong and racism, when in reality it was a single mom in a rental house allowing her kids to conduct unauthorized public rap shows to entice underaged girls to dance at a club in a nearby town. Very sordid and the national media being in the throes of Ferguson decided to make this as racism gone wild instead of kids out of control. So here's today's story-one of the local leaders was speeding by 20 mph over the speed limit. He was pulled over, ticketed for speeding and failure to change his license within 30 days of moving. He refused to sign the notice to appear at which point this city councilman was arrested. I would be arrested in those circumstances and so would anyone else. Why is it the black polticians believe they are above the law? Here's the story-he's still not admitting he's wrong, but the cops camera makes him look like an ass. "Do you know who I am?" should be an automatic cause for arrest.
