Monday, April 23, 2018

You Are Not Oppressed

Alonzo Rachel.  Condi Rice.  Thomas Sowell.  Bill Cosby.  Clarence Thomas.  Larry Elder.  Mia Love.  Diamond and Silk.  Black Americans who have been called everything from "Uncle Toms" (by people who obviously never read Stowe's work) or even "race traitors" for daring to suggest that black Americans haven't necessarily been served well by liberal policies, for starters.

Add a new name, Candace Owens, to the list:
Candace Owens is a young African-American woman who works through Turning Point USA, among others, to bring a message of empowerment to the black community...

Owens uses a theme from the movie The Matrix to urge young people to “take the red pill” and become conservatives like her. She has even had the courage to take on the Black Lives Matter movement.

Yesterday morning, Kanye West tweeted his approval of Candace:
I love the way Candace Owens thinks

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
That caused the Left to go insane.
I'm not usually a fan of Kanye West, but two more of his tweets made sense to me:


There's more, including video, at the link.  Go here for a video of her telling Black Lives Matter protesters "you are not oppressed".

And if I missed any significant names in my list at the beginning of this post, please add them in the comments.


  1. "Constantly bringing up the past keeps you stuck there"

    Holy moley, that is great. Go Kanye. The horrifying atrocities of WWII serve as an excellent example of this; I think it's Timothy Snyder who said that if you examine communities of people victimized in the war and its aftermath, some decided to move forward and look to the future, and others stayed focused on the past and what they had lost. You can compare, and invariably the people with the first strategy do really well, and the second strategy gets you nothing but misery and poverty.

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Add Walter Williams, emeritus professor of economics at George Mason University and syndicated columnist.

  3. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Ben Carson? Herman Cain? Michael Steele?

  4. Good names, all. I knew there was a deep thinker I was missing, it was Walter Williams.

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I think I remember a W Williams comment, probably at least 20 years ago, that he would not allow his kids to attend any college where their test scores/GPA did not put them into at least the middle of the white scores; IOW no allowing AA to put his kids into situations where they were not on an equal academic footing. What a concept! And, I expect that his kids were very academically competent

    1. Dr. Williams mentioned (I think it was when he was subbing for Limbaugh once) when his wife and him were looking for a school for their daughter, the deciding factor was the school did not have math education majors teaching math, they had math majors. English majors taught English, biology majors taught biology, etc. They would hire someone, give them 2 to 3 months of training on how to prepare test etc. He was very satisfied with their method.
