Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Next Stupid Idea Out Of California

Way back when, back when I was in the army--and this was pre-internet--there was a list floating around of statements supposedly made on British officer evaluation reports.  These were brutally honest, hilarious statements that might really have been written about certain officers, or perhaps they would in later days have been called "fake but accurate" or "fake news" or "urban legends".

I've never searched the internet to find out if they were real or not.  It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

But one that I remember went something like this:  "This officer is so bad that soldiers would only follow him out of a sense of curiosity."

Sometimes I hear that if you want to know what America will be like in 20 years, watch what's happening in California today.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is what's going on in California today:
California needs a Secretary of Youth. The next governor should appoint one.

California’s next governor will have an opportunity to expand the state’s talent marketplace by making bold changes to education and workforce systems. That includes creating a cabinet-level position focused on expanding economic opportunities for youth across the state.
We have an entire Department of Education. We have an Employment Development Department. Let's create a 3rd agency that overlaps both of those!

If the rest of the country follows California, it can only be out of a sense of curiosity.

1 comment:

  1. I think the quote (may have been another) ended with, “...will follow him just to see what he will screw up next.”
