Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Bird Of Prey

I was talking to a friend in the parking lot after work today, when the most beautiful hawk (?) flew by and landed in a nearby tree.  Black-and-white-striped feathers across its wings and tail, just beautiful.

It would stay in one tree for a few minutes, then fly to the next, wait a bit, then fly to the next.  We watched as the ground squirrels skitted around on the sidewalks, seemingly oblivious to its presence.  Whenever it landed in a nearby tree, it kept a close eye on those ground squirrels.

But never did it swoop in for dinner.  After 20 minutes or so, it flew off to the front of school.  And the squirrels seem never to have noticed.

This was as close as I could get, not wanting to spook it.

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