Sunday, March 11, 2018

Why Are Schools Busing Kids To Protests?

That's a very good question:
Today the Star Tribune reported that hundreds of students “walked out” of their schools to protest against guns and school shootings at the Capitol in St. Paul...

The article itself repeats the “walk out” characterization, and otherwise implies that the students were at the Capitol on their own initiative...

But here’s the thing: these students didn’t walk, they were bused. I happened to be at the Capitol yesterday while the demonstration was going on, and counted at least 12 buses from various St. Paul area high schools. Somehow, the buses don’t figure in the Strib’s story, and the Strib managed to post 17 photos and two videos without showing the buses even once...

If the schools didn’t endorse the protest, why did they provide buses to deliver students to the Capitol? To say that “nobody is getting punished” for participating is misleading at best.
Somehow I doubt MSP schools would be busing kids to a MAGA rally :-)


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The mayor of Baltimore said, on video, that buses (300, IIRC) would be provided to take students to a protest in DC and that lunches would also be provided. I am betting that taxpayer funds are being used, even if some of the funds are from Soros groups. Beyond appalling, n so many ways.

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    and who gets the wonderful privilege of paying for the bus, the driver, and the gasoline? Liberals are fine with wasting taxpayer dollars to help along their agenda. Busing in protestors is nothing new. Remember the Ferguson riots? young men came from as far as SF to loot and destroy property. People love to riot and cause trouble. If I lived in Baltimore (thank God I don't) I would take the mayor up on his offer and protest in DC in favor of gun rights, while I enjoyed my free lunch.

  3. I have a real problem with this. Most high school teachers know kids will leap at a chance to skip a class-especially if the weather is pleasant or a test is scheduled. Many of these same school districts spending money to bus kids to a central site for protest publicly claim they don't have money for basic classroom supplies like books and paper. In addition, most here know that unsupervised kids can lead to chaos. Chicago witnessed this as students on this march savaged at Walmart. I'm sure there are more examples. I can understand the kids immediately affected marching, but I doubt that this resonates in the same way outside the state of Florida. When I saw signs talking about reparations, pro-choice and other issues, as well as signs that appear to be commercially printed, I know that adults are running this show. Adults have to get the permits, hire the venue, get security, etc. So adults are doing this. What I find disgusting are the number of radicalized teachers protesting and scaring elementary aged students for political import. That's called Indoctrination as in the bad old days of the Soviets.

    Here's my take:
