Monday, March 12, 2018

This Is Why I Support Mark Janus...

...and why I'm a plaintiff in the Yohn case.


  1. I negotiated for our local union for over 15 years. I was always appalled at the lack of support from CTA. Anything that needed to get done was done for free, by teacher volunteers. Thus, the "bargaining costs" that members are charged is laughable. CTA HAS been getting a free ride off of us. Nice video... CTA SHOULD be seeking better ways to serve their members in order to entice us to join.

  2. Good luck. While Texas is a right to work state, most teachers join one organization or the next for liability insurance. By far the most costly is TSTA, which is the NEA arm in Texas. They really don't do anything more than the other groups to earn their fees. In fact UEA is far more grassroots in terms of being active and on the front lines. I suspect there will be grumbling from some on your campus over this public action.
