Monday, March 12, 2018

Racist/Sexist Comments

On white privilege:
White privilege is a contemptible construction. It explicitly invokes skin colour as the only vector of judgment. It insists on “whiteness” as a flaw, a failing, and, as it almost always is, when yoked with “male” is the verbal equivalent of a spit. It is pure stereotype, ugly and angry. It is seen as a necessary term in identity politics, the politics of faction — ethnic, racial and religious.

White privilege is a racist concept on its face, with skin colour as the main determinant of value and truth.
Toss in "male privilege", too, with sex as the main determinant of value and truth.

In other times and places, such concepts would be greeted with the contempt they deserve.  But as Instapundit often points out, we're living in Heinlein's "crazy years".

1 comment:

  1. Its so interesting living in a country where the children of those who homesteaded, embraced civilization, and became skilled workers are spit on by the unskilled who want the fruits of civilization for free but reject the civilized and the path to civility. Bite the hand that feeds. Plunder runs out when the producers are offed.
