Sunday, March 04, 2018

From The Mouths of Babes...Comes Babble

So the teenage attention-seekers from Florida are now comparing themselves to this nation's Founders, based on nothing more than being similar in age???  Ugh.  I have a few thoughts on this, but as a teacher, I'll defer to Marta at the Victory Girls blog:
There’s this meme going around the Internet that discourages criticism of the student activists involved in the latest opportunistic push for gun control. Generation Snowflake is comparing itself to the Founding Fathers, because of the similarities in age, trying to answer valid criticisms of their ignorance about domestic policy, constitutional law, and the philosophy of natural rights. They are also incapable of rational thought, and often hump logical fallacies and contradictions like rabid badgers during mating season, but we can’t criticize them because they’re the same age as some of the Founders.

But we’re supposed to listen to Generation Snowflake, because they somehow have the moral authority to speak on domestic policies about which they know exactly jack and shit?

We’re supposed to refrain from criticism about their obviously uninformed opinions, because they’ve been through what had to be a traumatic experience?

We’re supposed to ignore their errors in reasoning, false equivalencies, and flawed analysis fed to them by groups with obvious political agendas, because our Founding Fathers were around the same age when they took up arms and started a revolution?

Hate to tell you this, Snowflakes, but people like Henry Lee, Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and Lafayette took up actual ARMS – things you want to see banned – and went to war against a tyrannical government. They bled. They fought. Hamilton was an aide-de-camp to General George Washington at the ripe old age of about 21...

Meanwhile, you easily manipulated, hysterical children eat Tide pods, forcing idiot, reactionary legislators to consider new regulations to protect idiots like you; think social media = education and refuse to delve deeper and learn, because it’s just toooooo haaaaaard; can’t do basic research to determine how your local sheriff’s department chain of command works; expect participation trophies for merely breathing; and get so triggered at the mere mention of a gun in the classroom – even if it’s a teacher reassuring his students that he would risk his life protecting them and rationally discussing arming teachers and increasing school security – that you have to be accompanied out of class lest you clutch your pearls too hard and strangle yourselves in the process!
Go read the whole thing. The key point seems to be that you should accomplish something substantial before you dare compare yourselves to the Founders.  The kids we've been seeing on TV might start by accomplishing something.

1 comment:

  1. The irony is that the week before this shooting happened, there were headlines in all major outlets about this same demographic group having to be warned not to eat Tide Pods. Beyond that there are so many dropped signals that this looks like a bad football play. Let's go back in time to Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was the poster child for PROMISE-a program of "restorative justice" which was supposed to stop the school to prison pipeline. Instead it created a new subclass of student/thug who got away with everything from petty theft to fighting to gang activity. Had the usual laws kicked in, would Martin be alive today? Then we have Cruz-a far worse element in that his mental stability in spite of his plea shows a very damaged person. He was reported over thirty times to police as a minor. The problem is that police are afraid to act again the mentally ill because of the litigious and ignorant nature of the American public regarding cops and teens. So they let him go-over and over and over again. He escalated to the point of threatening him Mom, beating up his girlfriend and ultimately getting kicked out of school but never arrested. Right now thanks to ADA the law makes it almost impossible to involuntarily commit someone. Without a criminal record or one of mental illness, Cruz had a clean bill to buy whatever guns he wanted because it was not the guns or cops that failed, but the failure after years of saying they would do it, for Congress to pass a bill for a national database of known felons. In every one of the mass shootings outside of a military base, the shooters had a mental health history known to families, neighbors, coworkers and the police. It's time to stop medicating seriously delusional people and releasing them to act on their fantasies.
