Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Batteries Running Low

I feel so exhausted, so out of energy.  Sometimes my muscles even ache.

I doubt I have the flu, and it doesn't feel like a cold.  My stomach isn't upset or anything.  But I'm not sleeping well at night, and I feel weak and exhausted throughout the day.  Today, when my student teacher was teaching, I went to the staff room and took a nap.  Me, someone who essentially never sleeps unless he's in a bed at nighttime--I took a nap.  At work.  That tells me something.

I'm home now.  Tea and bed, that's all I'm doing until it's time to go to sleep.  I just have to get through Friday, as next week is Spring Break.

For the next few hours there will be no news, no blogging, just rest.  To steal from the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, I'll let the world turn without me tonight.


  1. Alice Cooper is actually doing Jesus Christ Superstar Easter Night on TV.
    Have your thyroid levels checked. It's rare in men, but can show up. Both my brother and my oldest son have hypothyroidism which went undetected until they were adults.

  2. I scheduled a doctor appt tomorrow.
