Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What's Good For The Goose....

Lefties like compulsion so much, see if they like this example:
In a New York Times article published last fall, philosophy professor John Corvino pooh-poohed the notion that refusing to provide a service for an event was different from refusing service to an individual. Corvino then concluded, "Freedom of speech and freedom of religion do not exempt business owners from public accommodations laws, which require them to serve customers equally."

In other words, if someone wanted a Muslim baker to bake a cake with the intended purpose of helping to celebrate a Koran burning service, then based on Corvino's conclusion, the Muslim baker should be forced to bake the cake.

I'm adamantly opposed to forcing the Muslim baker to bake a cake in that scenario. Likewise, I'm adamantly opposed to forcing a homosexual baker to bake a cake for an anti-gay marriage party. But, as a conservative Christian, I'm not allowed to write the rules. So let's play by the progressives' rules.

Playing by their rules brings into sharp relief the hypocrisy of businesses refusing to do business with the NRA...

I normally shy away from this kind of activism, but at some point conservatives need to begin pushing back. To that end, here's what I encourage:

An NRA member needs to find the most progressive bakery he can, and then request an AR-15-shaped cake for a Second Amendment celebration. Walk into the store wearing an NRA shirt and hat. Openly carry a gun if you're legally allowed. Ask for the top of the cake to be decorated with words like "In celebration of the NRA."

When the mortified SJW baker refuses, sue her.

In doing so, you may run up against the argument that being a gun owner isn't an identity. Hogwash! If you feel like being a gun owner and an NRA member is central to your identity, no one has the right to deny you that identity.

Instead of trying to fight progressives' absurdities with logic and common sense, maybe it's time to start turning the absurdity back onto progressives.
Live by Alinsky, die by Alinsky.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    The liberals are not consistent. they would not dare force the muslim to bake the gay wedding cake because that would be Islamaphobic. it actually happened in Michigan but there were no lawsuits or boycotts. But they can force Christians because of their animosity. That was reflected in the oral arguments of the masterpiece case, about if the Colorado "Civil Rights" Commission was biased against Mr. Phillips because of his faith. By the way, Colorado republicans just voted to defund the commission, hopefully they won't cave. Also liberals were fine with the Alamo Draft house in Austin, TX refusing service to men in an all woman showing of Wonder Woman. I assume if it was an all male showing of Superman the reaction would have been different. The whole "public accommodations" law concept has turned from protecting access to things like hotels and diners on the basis of race in the Jim Crow South to in the modern day really just a tool used by the left to bully people they don't like. With services like amazon you can buy basically anything from a computer, so it is possible these laws are not vital like they were in the past.
